Decluttering Our Hearts

A Prayer for Re-Ordering of Loves

I have a need
of such clearance  
as the Savior effected in the temple of Jerusalem
a riddance of clutter
of what is secondary
that blocks the way
to the all-important central emptiness
which is filled
with the presence of God alone.
~”Be Free for God”

Jean Danielou


Set aside some time this week to engage in this prayer that will help you slow down your heart, declutter your mind, and examine your loves. Take a few moments of quiet reflection between each part.  

Dear Father,

Unclutter my anxious, busy heart until I am quiet enough to hear from you in the silence.
I don’t want to lose the space where I experience your unfailing love and forgiveness.
I don’t want to lose an eternal perspective of what is truly important.
Things get very distorted apart from you.
Help me see how much I lose when I choose not to come to you.


I repent of my inability to rest my body, mind, and heart.
I am uncomfortable admitting I am a creature, dependent on you, my Father.
I don’t like being limited by time, space, power, and knowledge.
I was not created to be everywhere and do everything I want to do.


Help me see my finitude, my creatureliness, as a gift from you.
Give me eyes to see my limits as gracious guidelines for living, as given by you.
Help me not apologize or make excuses for my limits.
Help me accept how you have made me, as a dependent creature, who has a deep need for Someone to help me.
Would it humble me and make me run to you.


Show me the unrealistic expectations I have placed on myself.
Expose the areas where I keep adding to my life without recognizing and honoring my limits.
Show me where I am believing my culture’s lies… for my to-do lists, my schedule, and my priorities.
Where am I trying to find meaning in my
doing rather than my being found in you, Jesus?


Reveal my idols of productivity and efficiency.
Where am I living under productivity shame because I can’t live up to my own ideals?
Where am I frantically hurrying around, following what the world deems as valuable and worthy of my time?
With each new addition to my schedule, my quality of life diminishes as it takes me from you and your people.


Rather, give me an imagination of what is deeply important to you, Jesus, and what you value that is not deemed worthy by my culture.
Help me be present and love others well, which is often not productive and efficient.
Help me see interruptions, or breaks in my productivity, as invitations from you to slow down.
Show me again where I have neglected the thing most needed, which is time with you.


Slow down my heart, my life, my schedule so that I am able to examine my true loves.
Graciously reveal my disordered loves, those areas where I need to repent of trying to find comfort and hope outside of you.
Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things, and give me life in your ways.
Assure me again that I have your smile because of Jesus. You are not angry with me.
You are waiting to embrace me as your child, all I need do is come to you.


I come because of Jesus’ finished work for me on the cross, not claiming anything of my own. Amen  


Take some time to meditate on this Scripture this week, knowing that only Jesus can change your heart and your loves and give you the life worth living.

Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things;
and give me life in your ways.

Psalm 119:37

~Melissa Lien


Remember, Look and Identify


Leaving the House of Fear